Online BC-ACE workshop: The Mindful Consultation: 4 sessions, each 2.5 hours.

Course dates: Saturday, 7 September, Sunday, 8 September 2024 - 16:00h - 18:30h Berlin time (UK time is an hour earlier)

AND a week later, Saturday, 14 September, 16:00h - 18:30h Berlin time. Sunday, 15 September 2024, 13:30h-16h - Berlin time.

Cost €150,- (VAT exempt) including fee for Bach Centre certificate of attendance. Check out your time zone in relation to this course here.

Max. 6 participants.

This course in English will take place via Zoom. We will work in theory and practice on deepening the abilities a practitioner needs for a successful and mindful consultation: empathy, authenticity and respect. The content also promotes general communication skills and is a practical introduction to Carl Rogers person-centred approach. We will relate what we are learning to the remedies on the second weekend. We will use a creative approach to improve our ability to understand what someone else is experiencing. This also means the course helps to become more able to understand oneself and heightens our own authenticity. We will work in the group and in pairs in break-out rooms.

Course leader Nicola Hanefeld, BFRP since 1997, trainer for Bach Centre approved courses in Germany (Level 1 – 3). Nicola has trained in person-centred counselling.

Read here what previous participants say about the course.

The course is open to all who are interested! No pre-qualifications are required.

Please email me including your name and country if you would like to register: hanefeld[at]  

 or use the contact form of this website.

Bachblüten Beratung

Aktuelle Seminartermine

Level 1: Jetzt als Fernkurs.

Level 2: Übersicht der Ausbildungstermine bei

Level 3: ab 13.September 2025

Mehr über Level 1, 2 und 3 und lesen



ONE PERSONS JOURNEY by Nicola Hanefeld

Mein Buch (in meiner Muttersprache Englisch) ONE PERSON'S JOURNEY können Sie auch als e-book anschauen und erwerben. Die Printversion ist ausverkauft: Read more
Video on my book from Aarti Ranadive, BFRP, trainer from India

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