Sleep. We cannot live without it. With a sleep deficit, we lose quality of life: we are tired, have less energy and motivation, our mood becomes negative and we may be over-sensitive and tend to over-react. Sleep deprivation causes stress. Everyone knows the wonderful feeling waking after a good nights sleep and the dragging feeling after a night tossing and turning.
Sleep quality changes as we grow older. When I was a child I went to bed, fell asleep instantly, there followed blank, dark nothingness (perhaps some dreams) and then I woke up, refreshed. It happened with uncomplicated regularity.In contrast, after becoming a mother, I developed hyper-vigilance at night. My sleep developed a flimsy lightness. I heard everything, my partner joked that I could probably hear the grass growing. If one child was not coughing, the other had a high temperature and was muttering strange things, or the baby was restless and in pain with ear-ache. I was on duty all the time. Even if everyone was healthy and quiet at night, the years of being mother to infants led to me forgetting how to switch off. I would lie awake paying attention to all noises. When the kids grew up and nights became less vulnerable to disturbances, the menopause turned up with its own associated sleep problems (hot flushes etc.). What I sometimes wonder about is why men seem to have a deeper sleep than women.
Below I have listed some less obvious Bach flower remedies that can help when we are having trouble sleeping. Our sleep quality at night reflects how we have gone through the day. It is usually tense energy during the day that causes sleeps problems at night...
- Tense exhaustion from helping others and neglecting own needs. Centaury.
- Can't switch off, enthusiasm flowing for a great new project. Vervain.
- Stressed through too much responsibility, unable to delegate, doing everything oneself, others are incompetent. Vine.
- Stressed through doing too much oneself, too impatient to wait for others to complete tasks. Impatiens.
- Annoyance and repetetive thoughts regarding the incompetence of others. Beech and White Chestnut.
- Injured, hurt, offended and repetetive thoughts hindering sleep. Willow and White Chestnut.
- Overwhelmed and tense through too much responsibility and work. Elm and Oak.
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