As 2017 draws to a close, I have started reflecting on the year. On the world political stage it certainly was a turbulent year.
While I reflect, I am answering some questions in my journal that I took from the German weekly newspaper, DIE ZEIT.
Translated, they go like this and I hope you find them as intriguing as I do:
Was 2017 better or worse than you expected?
Who incorperated hope for you in 2017?
Who was a disappointment?
What was your greatest personal success 2017?
...and your personal failure?
What made you happy this year?What annoyed you the most?
What was the biggest surprise?
What was missing in 2017?
Which headlines would you have preferred not to have read?
What would you like to correct, either in yourself or others?
What was the most important thing you learnt in 2017?
What was the nicest place you visited 2017?
What was your best moment?
What was your kindest act?
What‘s your headline or heading for 2017?
What was your most exciting moment?
What question that occupied you in 2017 has remained unanswered?
What do you wish for your country in 2018?
So I thought I'd share these questions with all Bach flower interested people who dip into my blog. Reflecting raises awareness and awareness raises our consciousness. And isn't that something we can all do with a bit more of? It is raising awareness that I think is one of the great strengths of the Bach flower remedies. We can only make a good combination for ourselves by answering the question 'how do I feel?' And to answer that question honestly we have to be aware and conscious of our emotional habits!
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